Undocumented and DACA Students Information

Apply to Attend Oakton as an Undocumented/DACA Student

Visit, Applying as an Undocumented/DACA Student at Oakton for details! 

  • Using the online application, enter "000-00-000" in the social security field if you don’t have a Social Security number (SSN).
  • If you have a SSN or ITIN, complete the application using that number. 
  • Check “No” for U.S. Citizens. Select “Other” for your citizenship status.
  • Refer to Admission at Oakton for detailed steps.
  • Submit your Proof of Residency (for living or working in Oakton's district)

For more information or to schedule a college visit, call the Office of Admission at 847.635.1700.

More College Resources


The Office of Advising, Transitions, and Student Success (OATSS) is dedicated to helping you identify your educational needs so you may achieve your academic goals. Services include:

  • Course selection recommendations and schedule planning
  • Academic progress support and monitoring
  • Certificate, degree completion and transfer planning

For additional information, visit Advising at Oakton, email Advising Services at advising@oakton.edu or call 847.635.1700.

Transferring Foreign Credits to Oakton

Students who have earned college credits at a foreign college or university may be eligible to transfer those credits to Oakton. 

For more information, visit Transferring Foreign Credits to Oakton.

Caring Closet

The Caring Closet supplies nonperishable food and self-care items, such as soap and deodorant, at no cost to Oakton students who express a need.

For more information, visit Caring Closet or email care@oakton.edu.